What is "The Rubber Room?" Simply put, "The Rubber Room" is a room where hundreds and hundreds of New York City schoolteachers presently sit, being paid full salary to do absolutely nothing. But, like so many things, it's not quite so simple... What Happens? Each year in New York City hundreds of schoolteachers are suspended. Their teaching privileges are temporarily, but indefinitely, revoked. Accused of a wide range and varying degrees of misconduct, these teachers are no longer allowed in the classroom. Instead, while awaiting a lengthy adjudication process, they are compelled to report to an off-campus location commonly referred to as The Rubber Room.
Read this newspaper article about it. Look at the trailer for a documentary film about the rubber-room. Look at the film's website. Listen to the radio broadcast on NPR's This American Life.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I don't know for what to aspire while confined in here. I don't know whether I should hope to be reinstated or accept my fate. What if this is a test, a test from the universe - a test of my strength and will, to see what I can tolerate and handle. To prepare me for greater battle.

Or it may be a test to see whether I can discern what I ought to tolerate and handle. At what point, then, do I assert myself and no longer accept abuse? Shall I give up? How shall I end the pain? Shall I withdraw? Shall I yield? Shall I succumb?

My supervisor has crossed boundaries, which is unacceptable. There are certain things that one does not joke about, and he has irreverently invaded my boundaries. I did not strike back as I could have. I chose not to become defensive. I forgave and accepted, even though I do not understand why I am verbally attacked and intimidated. Perhaps it is his coping strategy for lacking some social graces. There is so much artificiality surrounding his interactions and expressions.

I remember one of the best jobs I ever had, our boss would personally invite each of the staff members for a monthly audience with him for about 20 minutes or so, to simply listen to us and hear how were were doing, sincerely, and not to tell us anything prepared or unpleasant to bear. It was such a supportive and loving environment. I truly felt appreciated by that boss of mine then in that former place of employment. It was a happy and wholesome environment, with a very positive mood, tone, and attitude. I felt most welcome and valued there. At my job now, there's rarely personal contact initiated by the supervisors, which isn't negative and hurtful. I'd like to have a boss treat me kindly. I'd like to be shown that I'm important and significant. I'd like to be cared about.

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